Friday, June 18, 2010

Horsey Rhyming

Check out this video i found on TMZ website. Damn paparazzi! now i know what Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie feel like.................. anyhoo. This was just before the Ching-eats show on the Coast after a bit too many cans of XXXX beer. JR's from the crew Beat Kamp and is one of the dopest ive heard off the top. check our celebrity!

also another dope vid of JR rhyming with scribbles earlier this year. this vid cracks me up how theyre zoning out. Its the shit. First they start nice, then theyre standing up, then the flow changes, I was waiting for the camera to swing back to JR with the dude standing there with no shirt and Ultimate Warrior face paint on! . check it out

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